We are a New Entrants - Year 1 class who share our learning by being confident, creative, collaborative, respectful, responsible and resilient.
Wednesday, 29 September 2021
Tuesday, 28 September 2021
Chinese language week
Learn Create Share is a big part of New Windsor and Room 4 children love to learn and share what they are learning whether it be on zoom, through discussion or sending photos through to class dojo.
Monday, 27 September 2021
Learning about life cycles
Caleb has continued to show the class on zoom his observations about the caterpillars/chrysalis/butterflies on his swan plants at his home.
Thursday, 23 September 2021
Practical learning
The children have been engaged in practical learning tasks. They have been doing everything from making fruit kebabs for a snack. To learning how to ride and balance on their bike.
Caleb made his own puppet theatre complete with props. These tasks enable children to grow their belief and confidence in themselves. Which links really well to our New Windsor School values and competencies.
Sunday, 19 September 2021
Catch up from last week
Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori
Last week was a busy week for us with many activities to see and participate in. The children were not the only ones learning last week and as you can see by the staff video posted on facebook and on our class site the teachers were learning too. I loved the six60 song Pepeha before Ms Corbett suggested we all learn it for a project so I was already motivated especially when she said we did not have to sing it but could sign instead (thank goodness because my singing is not that great).Using Flipgrid was a new thing for me and to be honest I was not even sure that I did it right... it seemed too easy. Long story short my video was ok so yay!I wonder what challenge will come this week??
Monday, 13 September 2021
Awesome Room 4
Terrific Learners!!
I cannot say enough about my awesome class. There is some amazing sharing and learning going on in class from digital learning to fantastic writing and drawing to positivity from the children during zoom calls (when my internet drags and goes slow).Here are some examples of work in my class from this week:
Karin is getting a lockdown haircut...look at how patient and awesome she is being...it is hard to sit still.
Karin is getting a lockdown haircut...look at how patient and awesome she is being...it is hard to sit still.
Wednesday, 8 September 2021
Just in case you want to learn to draw Baby Yoda too!
You never know as a teacher what activity the children are really interested in and inspired by.. This week it was drawing Baby Yoda.. This was such a popular activity with many different results I thought I would make it available on the blog....
Tuesday, 7 September 2021
Online learning room 4 Style
This week is our third week (I think) in lockdown. It is very easy to lose track of time in lockdown. We have continued to meet and learn with each other on zoom and via class dojo. We laugh and play a lot!
I have been very proud of the children's ability to adapt in a ever changing environment.
We have learned how to mute and un mute ourselves how to turn our camera's on and off and how to be respectful of everyone's need to share and talk.
In terms of Digital Curriculum the children and whanau have been stars in determining and supporting their learning opportunities.
Here are some examples of what has been sent to me so far this week: