Monday, 31 May 2021


Learning to measure and practising skills

We have been learning about measurement this term. This week our task is around measuring our feet and comparing our feet with our buddies. We are learning mathematical language and constructing our knowledge.

Our independent activities are helping us to practise our skills.


Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Wow look at us now!!!

We are so much more confident with our swimming. We have learned to be starfish, water sharks and so much more in the last two weeks. The children have amazing capabilities to learn new things and too try their best.

Monday, 3 May 2021

Science in a Van

Today we had a visit from Science in a Van. Wow!! what an exciting time we had learning what it is to be a scientist. We learned new terms like prediction, scientific thinking, mixture, and separation.
We learned we can use air to move bubbles. We can make bubbles using different mixtures. The type of mixture that we use can make bigger bubbles and make them last a long time. We learned if we use different gases the bubbles might act differently.