Saturday, 13 June 2020

Visiting the Library

On Thursday the children had a great time sharing books with each other in the library.
Reading is an important skill that we are learning in class.
Having the opportunity to visit the school library encourages the children to share and read books that they can choose for themselves.

Saturday, 6 June 2020

Learning about Earth

We have been exploring the topic of planet Earth through the story book Earth to Stella by Simon Puttock. This week we have had lots of conversations around our planet. We have written stories and have created some art work.

This Friday was world environment day!

Monday, 18 May 2020

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Digital curriculum

We are using the Seesaw app in class.
We are using the activities to help us with our learning. We are also learning to be patient and take turns with the ipad.

Swimming Lessons in the Pool

Sunday, 23 February 2020

Maori Myth and Legend Exploration

On Friday we explored the story of Tamure and the Taniwha. Ms Lang from room 3 read us the story in an interactive way. The children were able to act out part of the story. As part of a bigger art project we were then able to contribute to the making of a Taniwha and articles of interest in the story. We had lots of fun working together!

Wednesday, 19 February 2020


The children are really enjoying their learning experience with Coach Leslie and Coach Aliyah.
On Tuesday mornings we have T-Ball classes.
We have had lessons on throwing, catching, and learning to use a special glove.  We are learning to use a bat in our next lesson.
The children are working really well in teams and there has been lots of discussions around the game. I have found Room 4 children love to learn new skills.

Tuesday, 11 February 2020

Happy Chinese New Year!

This week we have been learning about Chinese New Year Today we made our own dragons in class.