Saturday, 29 June 2019

Our Assembly

On Friday we hosted assembly. The children shared a dance, some songs and their artwork.

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Technology and Visual Art

Our Minion Story

 This term we have been learning about technology.  We know that technology is human made and is made for a purpose.

During the term we  have explored our own imagination and creativity through drawing and writing about our idea's for new technology.

As part of a school wide focus to beautify and re use resources in our school we decided to make a planter to make our school fun and playful. Our theme for our planter was something dear to the children's heart the movie "Despicable Me" (our rainy day lunch time movie) and our favourite characters the Minions.

We explored how we would make our Minion. What  shapes and colours did we need. Would our Minion have one eye or two?

We found pictures of tyre Minions on Pinterest.  We had tyres we could use at school.
We worked as a team and cleaned then painted our tyres.
Once our Minion was finished we attached the eyes then planted our plant.

Our Minion was finished today!!
The only thing to do now is name our Minion.
Thank you to everyone who helped and those who donated the soil.

Wednesday, 12 June 2019

Taekwondo skills

Amazing strength!!!

This term our children have been attending Taekwondo lessons in the hall. They have learned some amazing new skills and some discipline in the sport. Tuesday was our last class and the children learned how to break a board in two.