Thursday, 13 December 2018

Fun day in the sun!!!

Fun days at New Windsor with Room 1

Last week the children participated in our schools annual Fun Day.
Below are our photos from our golden time. We elected to use our time outside enjoying the beautiful day.  The children used all their negotiating and planning skills to decide what activities they wanted outside and as usual water play featured highly on their list of things they wanted to experiment with.
Balancing, cooking and building were also activities they enjoyed alongside their friends.
We all had a great time.

Sunday, 25 November 2018

Writers Festival Week

Here is our class work that was on display this week for the Writers Festival. The children all worked very hard to show their families their very best writing. I am very proud of all the writing that they produced. It was fantastic to see so many of the families on the open night.

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Self directed team learning

The treasure at New Windsor...

Vivaan, Marko and James have discovered our book on pirates. This is a special book in class it is full of inspirational information on pirates from history and treasure maps.

The boys have been inspired by all the tips they have been reading about and decided to make their own treasure map. They had lots of discussions about what the map would need. They worked together to draw a map of the school including our classroom, the playground structures around us and most importantly the sandpits at our school. This is where they decided that their treasure would be buried. I was really impressed the way you worked together to measure how many steps would be needed and the thinking about the dimensions of the school for your map. You shared your map with the class and inspired other children in the class too.  I can't wait to see where your learning goes from here!!

What was the learning going on?

Early literacy is an emerging set of relationships between reading and writing. Vivaan, Marko and James. I can see that you are putting together information you are learning to extend your knowledge and deepen your understanding of your chosen topic.  Practical application is fantastic.

Thursday, 25 October 2018


We have had lots of fun creating calendar art this week. Our art is based on the beach, the waves and the children chose what to include on their beach.

Monday, 22 October 2018

Science- Finding out about waves


This term our science topic is exploration of different kind of waves. Today we made our own pretend ocean waves using straws, water and wind (breath from us)

 We learned that the harder we blew into the straws the bigger our waves.

We  saw our waves go in different directions.

When we changed the levels of the straws we blew bubbles.

Together we gathered lots of information about the waves we made.  

Sunday, 21 October 2018

Welcome back to the new term!!

Week 1

This term is a very busy term!  Below are some images of the children from this week.

In our daily sharing circle they have shared a lot of what they did on the holidays with their families. 

 The children have been very busy this week renewing friendships, and learning new skills.

On Thursday it was the schools Athletic's day and the children really enjoyed challenging themselves physically.

Congratulations to all the class for taking part in the day and in the enthusiastic way you tried your best!!

Special congratulations to Savannah, Evander, Imogen, Emma for placing so well in the events.

Monday, 8 October 2018

Learning is Fun!!

Social Studies: Market Day

This term we learned about currency and shopping.  On the last week of term we prepared and could not wait to participate in the school market day. Our product that we sold was scented play dough. We had just as much fun making our product as we did in the selling of it to our peers.

Here are our singers, they are marketing our play dough with our song.
These are our band members.
Our product is all set up and ready for sale.  Look at our fantastic banner!!

We had lots of enthusiastic parent help on the day.

Our performance

Our Moana Assembly